Episode 60: Entrepreneurs series - Bernard Hor, the Southeast Asian entrepreneur

Episode 60 - Entrepreneurs series - Bernard Hor
Choy Yiu Chan

Bernard Hor's journey as an entrepreneur started quite early on by hustling where he could in his own surroundings in Malaysia. This mentality lead to starting several businesses first in Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam and later in South Korea. As the co-founder and group CEO of Hatio Group, a technology business from South Korea specializing in cloud supply chain & network distribution, he decided to bring these advanced software solutions to Southeast Asia to help to transform and improve the local supply chain, logistics, retail and distribution industry.

This is not so easy as he needed to adjust the solutions and the pricing to make it fit with the needs of the entrepreneurs and companies but Bernard is very dedicated and will make it work. 

what also makes Bernard special is that he is so generous in sharing his experience and life visions he gathered while building up his businesses and starting his family. So listen to Bernard's story and feel inspired! 

You can reach out to Bernard through Linkedin or his email. You can find more information about Hatio through the website.


Episode 61: Entrepreneurs series - Jean Michel, Laura and Alexis Offe


Episode 59: Entrepreneurs series - 3 Sustainable Start-ups in Hong Kong